The CR Compass combines the expertise of the following stakeholders
The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) is a federal ministry of the Federal Republic of Germany.
Within the federal government, the BMAS is responsible for labour market policy, labour law and occupational health and safety as well as for pensions and social security. The BMAS strives to expand its international cooperation and to take the German employment service model, modelled on the Federal Employment Agency, abroad.


concern is a consulting company with a focus on corporate responsibility management based in Cologne. It was founded in 2010 as a spin-off of the renowned “Philosophy & Economics” programme of the University of Bayreuth.
concern offers individual services on the topics of consulting, measurement and training to support companies in the development and successful implementation of CR strategies along the entire value chain. Our training offers enable managers and employees to understand and implement the range of CR instruments.
Our interdisciplinary team combines scientific expertise with profound management and consulting experience and an entrepreneurial as well as practice-oriented approach. Our consulting approach integrates research findings and combines strategy consulting with implementation expertise. It is particularly important to us to respond individually to the needs of our clients.
The German Global Compact Network (DGCN) is an independent, open and transparent multi-stakeholder forum in which German participants in the UN Global Compact (GC) from the business, government and civil society sectors are committed to the implementation and broad promotion of the 10 principles of the Global Compact and the goals of the United Nations. As an implementation-oriented learning and dialogue platform, the DGCN provides information and tools, promotes the dissemination of good examples and offers a framework for trustful exchange between participants.
Internationally and in Germany, the Global Compact is based on the principle of voluntary self-commitment. In doing so, companies explicitly commit to respecting and promoting universal basic rules, many of which are anchored in national law, even where they are not or not fully implemented. On this basis, companies are to contribute to sustainable development in Germany and worldwide with the support of civil society organisations, public institutions and other important stakeholders.


“Hope through action” – this is the motto of the German Environmental Foundation, which was founded in Mainz on 31 March 1982 and is recognised as a non-profit organisation. The German Environmental Foundation is independent, politically and economically. The German Environmental Foundation is currently backed by 1,788 donors (as of 22 March 2013). This makes it the largest – and incidentally also the oldest – German community foundation in terms of the number of people supporting it.
WeSustain is the project sponsor for the CR Compass and develops software solutions for sustainability management in companies. The range of solutions covers all necessary fields of action of modern sustainability management. The breadth and depth of the solutions is WeSustain’s unique selling point as a full-service provider. The company is considered the leading provider of Enterprise Sustainability Management (ESM).